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Generator theme module

Payment Callout Card

This module includes an optional background image and a HubSpot Payments button, making it easy for visitors to purchase the highlighted product or service directly from the website.
Product Title


Link to HubSpot checkout flow

Show related image in card

Adjust color overlay

Fully responsive

Product Title


Link to HubSpot checkout flow

Show related image in card

Adjust color overlay

Fully responsive

About this module

The Payment Callout Card is a website module offered by HubSpot CMS that enables customers to highlight a specific product or service on their website. This module includes an optional background image and a HubSpot Payments button, making it easy for visitors to purchase the highlighted product or service directly from the website.

One of the key benefits of the Payment Callout Card is that it can be added to a website without requiring any code. This makes it a convenient option for HubSpot CMS customers who want to draw attention to a specific product or service without having to involve a developer.

There are several use cases where the Payment Callout Card could be an appropriate module to use on a website. For example, a company that offers a subscription-based service might use this module to draw attention to a special promotion or offer, encouraging visitors to sign up for the service.

Another use case could be for an e-commerce website that wants to highlight a particular product or product line. By using the Payment Callout Card module, the website can showcase the product with an eye-catching background image and make it easy for visitors to purchase it directly from the website.

Overall, the Payment Callout Card is a versatile module that can be used in a variety of ways to draw attention to specific products or services on a website. Its ease of use and flexibility make it a valuable tool for HubSpot CMS customers who want to improve the visibility of their products or services and increase sales.

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